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San Diego, CA

(619) 510-6018

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(916) 701-6685

How Long Does a Microneedling Session Last?

In San Diego, CA


What Can You Expect From Your First Chemical Peel?

Posted July 01, 2020 in Blog, Medical Spa Info & Tips

A clear, smooth, radiant complexion comes from steadily working to increase the health of your skin. Perfect skin comes in part from consistently using skincare products that are ideal for your skin type and tone. Another part of the puzzle comes from wisely selecting the aesthetic treatments you use to correct skin concerns. At Capitis […]

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Votiva Treatments: Why and Who Should Consider This?

Posted June 01, 2020 in Blog, Medical Spa Info & Tips

Millions of women experience vaginal laxity or looseness that occurs in the vagina. Vaginal laxity is most often associated with aging, menopause, and vaginal childbirth. It can be accompanied by a variety of unpleasant symptoms which can have a negative impact on a woman’s overall quality of life. Capitis Medical & Aesthetics, with locations in […]

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Posted April 02, 2020 in Uncategorized

At Capitis Medical & Aesthetics in Roseville, CA, your health, wellness, and self-confidence are our top three priorities. That is why we are proud to offer the most cutting-edge aesthetic services to help our clients achieve their ideal aesthetic. Today, we reveal everything you need to know about the Viora20 device. What Treatments Are Possible […]

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Should You Consider Skin Tightening?

Posted April 01, 2020 in Blog, Medical Spa Info & Tips

As we age, our skin is one of the first parts of our bodies to show the side effects of growing older. This often includes loose, sagging skin, fine lines, and wrinkles. When the skin loses its laxity, it can be challenging to restore a smooth, youthful appearance. At Capitis Medical & Aesthetics in Roseville […]

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Are You a Candidate for Hair Restoration?

Posted March 01, 2020 in Blog, Medical Spa Info & Tips

Although it is considered by many to be a cosmetic problem, hair loss actually is a medical condition that will afflict more than half of the human population at some point in their lifetime. With the flurry of supposed “miracle” hair loss solutions filling the airwaves and the internet, it can be difficult to separate the medical […]

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How Does Kybella Remove a Double Chin?

Posted January 06, 2020 in Blog, Medical Spa Info & Tips

Are you frustrated with the appearance of a stubborn double chin? You’re not alone. In fact, most people develop a double chin as they get older. Double chins are notoriously difficult to rid of; at least, they used to be. Thankfully, the injectable treatment Kybella offered by Capitis Medical & Aesthetics in San Diego, CA, […]

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What to Know More About AquaGold and Its Benefits

Posted December 02, 2019 in Blog, Medical Spa Info & Tips

Would you like your face to look “good as gold” with an innovative new treatment combining the benefits of microneedling with some of the most popular injectables on the market? AquaGold is a unique microchanneling facial treatment using a device packing hundreds of thin gold-plated needles to deliver chosen formulas directly into the deeper layers […]

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Please contact Capitis Medical & Aesthetics today if you have any questions.

San Diego, CA

(619) 510-6018

San Diego, CA

11189 Sorrento Valley Rd. #105
San Diego, Ca. 92121


Roseville, CA

(916) 701-6685

Roseville, CA

300 Harding Blvd Suite 216
Roseville, CA 95678
