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FUT Hair Transplantation

In San Diego, CA
HomeMedical FUT Hair Transplantation
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FUT Hair Transplantation

Hair loss is a common concern affecting billions of men and women across the planet. From balding to thinning and breakage, hair loss can be extremely difficult and frustrating. In the past, hair loss was simply a fact of nature, but with advances in hair restoration technology and regenerative medicine, hair loss and balding is a choice. Real solutions and treatments are readily available.

FUT hair transplantation is a reliable method of hair restoration that provides consistent, permanent results for patients at Capitis Medical & Aesthetics.

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What Is FUT Hair Transplantation?

FUT, or follicular unit transplantation, is a minimally invasive surgical procedure to treat hair loss. During this procedure, Dr. Crose cuts a strip of hair from either the sides or back of the scalp and extracts individual hair follicles. The follicles from the donor strip are then surgically inserted into the balding areas of the scalp, where they continue to grow as natural hair.


What Are the Benefits of FUT Hair Transplantation?

FUT hair transplants are a reliable treatment for balding or thinning hair in both men and women. Some benefits of FUT hair transplantation include:

  • Shorter surgical time
  • Covers a larger portion of thinning hair
  • Can provide a higher density of hair coverage
  • Efficient for patients with more extensive thinning

Can I Combine FUT Hair Transplantation with Other Hair Restoration Treatments?

At Capitis Medical & Aesthetics, we find that combining procedures often elicits the most impactful results when it comes to hair restoration. That’s why we offer our patients a wide range of hair loss treatments at every stage of the hair restoration process. As an experienced hair restoration specialist, Dr. Crose can create a custom plan that best addresses your hair loss needs and helps you see impactful results.


PRP and Stem Cell Exosome Injections

Regenerative medicines like platelet-rich plasma (PRP) and stem cell exosome injections are the gold standard for improving hair restoration results. By healing the scalp and follicles, you can establish a better environment for new hair growth.


Low-Level Light Therapy

As an addition to your hair restoration treatment plan, low-level light therapy can be a less invasive method of encouraging hair growth in damaged cells and can provide a boost to hair regrowth.


Am I a Candidate for FUT Hair Transplantation?

If you have thinning hair or bald spots, you may be a candidate for FUT hair transplantation. Even if you are just now noticing thinning hair, early intervention is key. The sooner Dr. Crose can create a comprehensive hair restoration plan for you, the better your results will be. Additionally, candidates for FUT hair transplantation:

  • Have female or male pattern baldness (androgenic alopecia)
  • Have severe thinning
  • Want to restore hair fullness
  • Want a natural-looking result
  • Have healthy, thick hair on the sides or back of the head

What Is the FUT Hair Transplantation Procedure?

Dr. Crose performs FUT hair transplantation using local anesthesia as an outpatient procedure. He will first mark a new hairline to follow during the procedure, recreating your natural hair growth pattern. When you are satisfied with where the hairline placement will be, he will administer local anesthetic to the donor location, usually on the back of the head. He will remove a small strip of your scalp before carefully suturing the donor area.

Using the donor strip of hair, Dr. Crose will meticulously harvest follicular units (small groups of individual follicles), including the surrounding tissues and sebaceous (oil) glands. Retaining the natural structure of the follicular units helps ensure proper transplantation into the new location and helps the hair grow as naturally as possible and function normally. This process can take a few hours, so you will be able to relax while you wait.

Once the follicular units are extracted and adequately prepared, Dr. Crose will administer local anesthetic to the treatment area. Once you are numb, he will make individual, tiny incisions throughout the thinning or balding areas, paying attention to your natural hair growth pattern. He will then insert the individual follicular units into the prepared incisions, adjusting to make the growth appear as natural as possible.

The Reviews Are In…

How Much Does FUT Hair Transplantation Cost?

The cost of your San Diego FUT hair transplantation will vary depending on the severity of thinning, the amount of necessary follicular transfers, and the subsequent length of your procedure.

Once you have your hair restoration consultation with Dr. Crose, he will be able to create a treatment plan that addresses all of your goals and will be happy to provide you with an accurate cost estimate.

How Long Is FUT Hair Transplantation Recovery?

Dr. Crose will provide you with specific instructions on how to care for your scalp. You may be sent home with medications and a bandage to protect your scalp. Within the first few days, Dr. Crose will schedule a follow-up appointment to monitor your process.

You may experience some swelling and discomfort, but this should be manageable with over-the-counter medications. Most patients can return to work after a day or two with little issue.

When Will I See the Results of FUT Hair Transplantation?

Most patients can start to see new hair growth after about three months, with visibly thicker hair after about six months. After FUT hair transplantation, your hair will continue to grow naturally for permanent results.


FUT Hair Transplantation Frequently Asked Questions

Does FUT hurt?
Both the donor and treatment site will be numbed with local anesthesia, so you will feel no pain during the process. You may experience some discomfort after the procedure, but this is usually manageable with pain medication.

How soon can I get my hair wet after FUT?
You can resume normal activities about 5-7 days after your procedure. This includes washing and cutting your hair, swimming, and exercising.

How can I prepare for my FUT procedure?
Dr. Crose will provide you with specific instructions on how to best prepare for your FUT procedure. These instructions may include the following:

  • Stop taking blood thinning medications and supplements, as this can complicate the procedure.
  • Avoid excessive sun exposure, as sunburns or skin irritation may impact the results of the procedure.

“We work together to find the right treatment for you.”

Request A Consultation

Please contact Capitis Medical & Aesthetics today if you have any questions.

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(619) 510-6018

San Diego, CA

11189 Sorrento Valley Rd. #105
San Diego, Ca. 92121


Roseville, CA

(916) 701-6685

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300 Harding Blvd Suite 216
Roseville, CA 95678
