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Non-Surgical Hair Restoration in San Diego, CA

In San Diego, CA
HomeMedical Non-Surgical Hair Restoration in San Diego, CA
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A full head of healthy hair is a dream for many men. While surgical hair restoration methods are reliable and impressive, not everyone is ready to go under the knife for hair loss.

Non-surgical hair restoration methods allow patients to slow or even stop hair loss and hair thinning without invasive surgery, meaning no pain, downtime, or recovery.

Through a variety of technologies, from new, regenerative medicines to traditional hair growth medications, Dr. Joshua Crose uses his vast experience in the field of hair restoration to create customized, effective regimens to help his patients prevent and remedy hair loss.

Request A Consultation

What Is Non-Surgical Hair Restoration?

Non-surgical hair restoration helps patients with thinning or balding hair restore their natural hair follicles without surgical procedures. These treatments can also incorporate the benefits of regenerative medicine, which works by prompting the body to heal itself. Alternatively, internal medicine, such as supplements and medications, can be used to regulate hormones that cause hair loss, or they can work to stimulate the hair follicles for new hair growth topically.

Man holding his hair Model

What Are the Benefits of Non-Surgical Hair Restoration?

Hair loss and thinning are incredibly common concerns that affect both men and women. Many patients prefer to avoid undergoing invasive measures to combat hair loss; therefore, they opt to wait. But the longer you leave hair loss untreated, the harder it is to remedy. Non-surgical hair restoration allows patients to treat hair loss without invasive surgery. Other benefits of non-surgical hair restoration include:

  • Minimal to no downtime and recovery
  • Minimal pain and discomfort from treatment
  • No need for anesthesia
  • Flexible and varied treatment options
  • Less expensive than other methods

What Are My Non-Surgical Hair Restoration Options?

Dr. Joshua Crose is an expert hair restoration specialist, supplementing his comprehensive care with cutting-edge technologies and innovative research in the field. Dr. Crose and the team at Capitis Medical & Aesthetics are committed to providing his hair loss patients with exactly the treatments they need to see real results. From minimally invasive surgical methods such as FUT and FUE hair transplantation to the following non-surgical modalities, we have a treatment that will suit your needs.


Regenerative medicine has proven to have exciting and promising applications in the field of non-surgical hair restoration, specifically through platelet-rich plasma (PRP) and platelet-rich fibrin (PRF). PRP injections are an established part of regenerative aesthetics, as the nutrient-dense and growth factor properties of the substance are vital for restoring the appearance and function of the skin and hair. PRF is similar to PRP in that it is harvested from the patient’s own blood, spun in a centrifuge, and then re-injected into the treatment area. Unlike PRP, PRF is spun at a slower rate, which allows the compound to retain a higher concentration of growth factors.

PRP and PRF are effective treatments for hair loss and thinning and can be safely injected into the scalp to stimulate hair growth and thickness and prevent future shedding.

Stem Cell Exosomes

Stem cells are firmly established as having some of the most remarkable regenerative and healing properties, offering impressive results for a wide range of aesthetic and medical needs. At Capitis Medical, we use stem cell extracellular vesicles, which provide the same healing and repairing properties as stem cells without needing a donor.

We use exosomes in a safe and effective procedure to encourage hair regeneration and minimize inflammation in the scalp, preventing and treating hair loss.

Medicines and Supplements

Dr. Crose may suggest augmenting in-office non-surgical treatments with at-home medications and supplements. It’s not uncommon for hair loss patients to see better results with a multimodal approach, and hair loss medications such as Minoxidil (Rogaine) have improved immensely over the years, providing more effective results with fewer side effects. Nutritional supplements like Nutrafol vitamins can also be useful for patients experiencing stress-induced hair loss.

Hair Cloning – Coming Soon to Capitis Medical & Aesthetics

The most recent advancement in hair restoration is hair cloning, which involves harvesting individual donor hair follicles and then cloning them in vitro, after which they will be reinserted into the scalp to produce new, healthy hair. While this method is still in the research and developmental stages, Dr. Crose is monitoring the progress and will provide this new technique when it is approved for the consumer market.

Am I a Candidate for Non-Surgical Hair Restoration?

You might be a candidate for non-surgical hair restoration if you have thinning hair or bald spots. The earlier you seek treatment for thinning hair, the more effective treatment is, so even if you notice hair loss, it’s never too early. Candidates for non-surgical hair restoration:

  • Have female or male pattern baldness (androgenic alopecia)
  • Have mild to moderate thinning
  • Want to restore hair density and thickness
  • Want a natural-looking result
  • Want results without downtime or recovery
  • Are looking to prevent future hair loss

What Is the Non-Surgical Hair Restoration Procedure?

Each of the non-surgical techniques that we offer requires very different applications and follow varied procedures, so your experience will be entirely unique to your needs and treatment plan.

For example, PRP, PRF, and stem cell exosomes are in-office treatments, but they can each be applied via injection to the scalp in tandem with another procedure (such as microneedling) or as a topical treatment. These can also be combined with an at-home regimen of oral and topical medications and supplements, as prescribed by Dr. Crose.

A comprehensive consultation with our hair restoration specialist can give you the best idea of how your non-surgical treatments will be performed.

How Much Does Non-Surgical Hair Restoration Cost?

The cost of non-surgical hair restoration in San Diego, CA, depends on the specific treatments used, the amount of necessary treatments, and whether you have combined your treatments or not.

Dr. Crose creates customized treatment plans for each of his hair loss patients with an understanding that everyone is different and each person deserves a unique approach to their hair restoration journey. Once he has created a plan for you, he will be happy to provide you with an accurate cost estimate.

How Long Is Non-Surgical Hair Restoration Recovery?

Recovery is brief and only applies to minimally invasive hair loss treatments, such as PRP/PRF and exosome injections. Patients may experience some redness, slight bruising, or swelling at the injection site, but this can be treated with a cold compress.

Oral medications and topical applications do not require any recovery or aftercare, but be sure to tell Dr. Crose if you have any allergies or medical contraindications before taking new medications.

When Will I See the Results of Non-Surgical Hair Restoration?

This will vary depending on the treatment type, the severity of your hair thinning, and your body’s natural healing responses. Some treatments, like PRP/PRF injections, usually require multiple treatments to see the best results, spaced over specific intervals. Topical medications, too, require daily use and generally start to show results within a few months.

Again, each patient is different. Your results may take anywhere from one to six months to become visible, but consistency and patience are key.

Woman brushing her hair Model

Non-Surgical Hair Restoration Frequently Asked Questions

Are non-surgical methods of hair restoration better than surgical methods?

This depends on the situation and needs of the patient. For those with more advanced hair thinning, the FUE hair transplantation method is a highly reliable method for permanent hair restoration. However, this method does require a healthy strip of donor hair, which might not apply to every patient.

For those who do not want to undergo surgery, both the FUT and FUE methods will be inappropriate, so the techniques on this page will be much more effective. It comes down to your personal preference, specific anatomical needs, and the advice of Dr. Crose.

Do non-surgical hair restoration methods leave scars?

No. None of these methods involve surgery, so no incisions are made, and therefore, no scars are present. Even PRP/PRF injections do not result in visible scarring, as we use very thin needles to inject the formula into the scalp.

Please contact Capitis Medical & Aesthetics today if you have any questions.

San Diego, CA

(619) 510-6018

San Diego, CA

11189 Sorrento Valley Rd. #105
San Diego, Ca. 92121


Roseville, CA

(916) 701-6685

Roseville, CA

300 Harding Blvd Suite 216
Roseville, CA 95678
