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PRP Injections

In San Diego, CA
HomeAesthetic PRP Injections
woman with beautiful skin Model

The secret to youthful, glowing skin is right below the surface, as key nutrients provide a look of rejuvenation and energy. But as we age, these crucial growth factors, healing cells, and vital proteins begin to become less active, causing signs of aging and exhaustion to appear, such as fine lines, wrinkles, and textural irregularities. While there are countless non-surgical treatments available, an excellent option is now available to treat these issues naturally.

Platelet-rich plasma (PRP) is an essential substance found within your own blood that carries crucial nourishment and growth factors and can even increase collagen and elastin production, jumpstarting dormant stem cells for unparalleled healing properties.

At Capitis Medical & Aesthetics, we are committed to providing our patients with the most cutting-edge, effective treatments in a safe environment. Our qualified medical providers are well-versed in the safety policies and procedures for harvesting and administering PRP to provide you with long-lasting, natural results.

What Is PRP?

A natural growth factor found in the blood, platelet-rich plasma (PRP), when reintroduced to the body, encourages the treatment area’s growth and healing processes. When reinjected into the skin, PRP activates dormant stem cells to heal a variety of skin concerns, improve the appearance of wrinkles, and encourage firmer, more youthful skin overall.

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What Are the Benefits of PRP Injections?

PRP injections can provide healing and anti-aging improvements in a safe and effective manner. Since the treatment is derived from your own blood, there is little risk of allergic or adverse reactions, as we might see with other types of dermal injections. Additionally, as PRP increases collagen production, the skin becomes smoother, more elastic, and plump.

Other benefits of PRP injections include:

  • Improve skin texture and tone
  • Reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles
  • Improve the appearance of scarring
  • Stimulate collagen and stem cell production

Can I Combine PRP with Any Other Non-Surgical Treatments?

PRP injections can be performed as a standalone procedure, but it is most often performed as an addition to another non-surgical procedure to enhance results. Some commonly combined procedures include:

Microneedling Model


During a microneedling procedure, tiny, medical-grade needles are used to make microchannels in the skin, prompting collagen production and inducing healing of textural concerns. Combining your microneedling procedure with PRP allows the growth factors to penetrate deeper into the skin for even better results.

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PRP Facial Model

PRP Facial

Rather than injecting the growth factors, this is a topical treatment that involves applying the PRP directly onto the face. Some benefits of the PRP facial include:

  • Improved skin tone due to new blood vessel formation
  • Smoothed epidermis
  • Newly produced collagen in the dermis will lift the face
  • Performed in-office, from one hour to 90 minutes per treatment

Am I a Candidate for PRP Injections?

If you would like a more natural solution to your aesthetic concerns, PRP is a fantastic alternative to traditional cosmetic injectables. Since PRP is derived from your own blood, there is less risk of allergic reaction or rejection from the body. Candidates for PRP injections:

  • Want a more natural alternative to cosmetic injectables
  • Want improvement to fine lines and wrinkles, as well as other textural concerns
  • Are generally in good health
  • Have realistic expectations for results

How Are PRP Injections Administered?

PRP injections require a multi-step process that can be performed in the office at either our Roseville or San Diego locations. First, your medical provider will take a small vial of your blood. Next, the blood will be placed in a specialized centrifuge, which will spin rapidly, separating the PRP from the rest of the blood. The growth factor-rich PRP will be used in your PRP injection treatment.

During your PRP injection treatment, your medical provider will carefully inject the PRP back into your face, focusing on specific areas of concern, such as the skin around the eyes, acne scars, wrinkles, or areas with sun damage.

How Much Do PRP Injections Cost in San Diego, CA?

Once your medical provider has created a treatment plan for you, they can provide you with an accurate cost estimate. The cost of your PRP injection treatment will depend on the number of sessions you have and if you have combined your PRP treatments with any other procedures.

How Long Is Recovery After PRP Injections?

There is very little recovery or downtime after this minimally invasive treatment. You may experience some redness and swelling at the injection site or, in the case of PRP with microneedling, some slight redness and itching in the treatment area.

Most patients are able to return to normal activities immediately after their PRP injections.

When Will I See the Results of PRP Injections?

Some patients may see immediate improvement in skin tone, texture, and scarring after their first PRP treatment. However, most patients will need a series of treatments spaced out over multiple weeks to see the full effects.

Your medical provider at Capitis Medical & Aesthetics will create a customized treatment plan that best serves your needs and goals so that you can enjoy the full healing benefits of PRP injections.


PRP Injections Frequently Asked Questions

Do PRP injections hurt?

Not exactly. You will feel a small pinch as your medical provider draws a small amount of blood from your arm, but this is no different than donating blood or having your blood drawn for other medical treatments. The injections themselves are very similar to that of other cosmetic injectables, as they are only injected superficially. You may want to discuss with your provider having a topical anesthetic applied to your face prior to your PRP injections if you are worried about pain. Most patients find PRP injections very manageable.

How long will my PRP injection results last?

Once you have completed the set number of treatments as suggested by your provider, you will be able to enjoy the benefits for quite a while. Most patients are able to maintain their PRP results with annual treatments.

How many PRP injections will I need?

This depends on your goals for the procedure as well as the concerns that you would like to treat. Most patients need anywhere from 3–6 treatments, but this will vary greatly from patient to patient. Your medical provider can help you create a custom treatment plan that will best suit your needs and get you on your way to healthy, vibrant skin.

“We work together to find the right treatment for you.”

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Please contact Capitis Medical & Aesthetics today if you have any questions.

San Diego, CA

(619) 510-6018

San Diego, CA

11189 Sorrento Valley Rd. #105
San Diego, Ca. 92121


Roseville, CA

(916) 701-6685

Roseville, CA

300 Harding Blvd Suite 216
Roseville, CA 95678
