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How Does Peptide Therapy Work?

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Peptide Therapy
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Peptide therapy is an exciting topic in regenerative and holistic medicine, providing improved healing, reduced inflammation, increased collagen production, and more. This blog discusses what concerns peptide therapy can improve, as well as what patients can expect from treatments.

The Healing Powers of Peptides

Innovations in medical aesthetics have led to many exciting new treatments, including peptide therapy, which expands the possibilities of the body’s ability to heal itself. Peptides have been used to heal patients successfully after acute or chronic injury and illness and are commonly used to combat signs of aging as well.

Keep reading to see how these protein building blocks can help a variety of health and wellness issues.

What Does Peptide Therapy Do?

Much of what we need to look, feel, and function our best can be found naturally occurring within the body or through the foods that we eat. Peptides are small (about 2-50) chains of amino acids. Similar to proteins, which are made up of much longer chains of amino acids, peptides are more easily digested and absorbed into the bloodstream, therefore providing more rapid effects. 

Peptides can be used for a variety of functions, but most commonly, they are used for anti-aging and skin health, combat chronic or acute inflammation, and build muscle. They may be sourced from plant or animal sources and have compounded properties when specific chains of amino acids are combined. 

Among the most interesting of these different types are bioactive peptides, which are specific types of peptides that have a beneficial effect on the body and aid in improving health. 

How Do Peptides Work?

Because peptides are smaller chains of amino acids, they are more easily broken down and absorbed by the body, making them an excellent supplement for a variety of concerns. Below, we will list common uses of peptides and how they affect the body.

Peptides for Anti-Aging

One of the most mainstream uses is collagen peptides. Collagen is a protein in the skin, hair, and nails that contributes to elasticity, hydration, and healing. Collagen peptides are a smaller form of collagen that is more easily absorbed by the skin. 

Some benefits of peptides for anti-aging include: 

  • Reduced appearance of wrinkles and fine lines
  • Improved skin elasticity or “bounce”
  • Better protection from sun damage due to increased melanin

Peptides for Improved Healing

Certain peptide chains are excellent for improving wound healing, especially for wounds in the skin. In addition to collagen peptides, which aid in wound healing, certain peptides can also aid in tissue repair and regeneration. 

Some benefits of peptides for improved healing include:

  • Reduced chronic and acute inflammation due to injury or illness
  • Improved tissue repair
  • Promotes a healthy skin barrier to fight bacteria

Peptides for Building Muscle

A popular supplement for building muscle, creatine has been used for many years by bodybuilders and athletes to support healthy muscle growth and energy. Creatine peptides, which are more easily absorbed and more effective, are becoming more popular as a better alternative. 

Collagen peptides have also been linked to increased muscle mass and strength in older adults, as they aid in more rapid muscle repair. 

Some benefits of peptides for building muscle include: 

  • Increased muscle recovery
  • More effective exercise and muscle gain
  • Increased energy

How Is Peptide Therapy Administered?

One of the most exciting prospects about peptides is their ability to be combined to optimize results. Experienced physicians create customized peptide therapy protocols to provide comprehensive care for key wellness concerns. 

Dr. Joshua Crose offers his patients both specific peptide combinations for acute injury or concerns, as well as more broad protocols to combat common issues. After a peptide therapy consultation with Dr. Crose, he will create a unique treatment plan for you. 

Peptides can be administered orally, topically, subcutaneously, and intravenously. Different peptides work best with specific methods, so Dr. Crose will administer the peptide protocols as per your needs.

Interested in Peptide Therapy in San Diego, CA?

Capitis Medical & Aesthetics offers a wide range of non-surgical aesthetic and holistic wellness services for continued internal and external health. If you would like to learn how peptide therapy can improve your energy, metabolism, skin health, and more, call Capitis Medical & Aesthetics today at (619) 510-6018 or (916) 701-6685 to schedule a consultation.

Please contact Capitis Medical & Aesthetics today if you have any questions.

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(619) 510-6018

San Diego, CA

11189 Sorrento Valley Rd. #105
San Diego, Ca. 92121


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(916) 701-6685

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300 Harding Blvd Suite 216
Roseville, CA 95678
